Wing Lei at Wynn Macau
Opulent dim sum dining in Macau
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Soon To Be Rated
As our highly trained, incognito inspectors work to assess properties, our editors check them out ahead of time and provide a sneak preview of what to expect.
The first thing you see after stepping through the traditional Chinese moon gate entrance at Wing Lei at Wynn Macau is a flying dragon composed of 90,000 Swarovski crystals and blown glass illuminated with tiny lights set against a vibrant yellow backdrop. But that’s not the only thing making a statement at the restaurant inside the Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star
Wynn Macau.
While the dragon’s wow factor has become familiar for the locals, hotel guests and other visitors who frequent the restaurant, they come for the tasty Cantonese fare, which includes lunchtime dim sum, traditional barbecue pork and suckling pig.
Regular and seasonal menu are available, and the chefs take care to mix Japanese and Western influences into the cuisine to make sure there’s something to appeal to everyone. More than 30 chefs work in the restaurant’s kitchen under the guidance of the executive chef — and under the watchful eye of the lucky dragon no doubt.
Getting There
Rua Cidade de Sintra, NAPE, Macau