Palazzo Versace Dubai
The UAE's neoclassical masterpiece
We verify luxury. Our highly trained inspectors visit every property we rate, evaluating based on up to 900 objective criteria. Our hotel stays span a minimum of two nights.
We pay our own way. No one can buy a rating; all ratings are earned through our objective inspection process.
Our global team of inspectors are anonymous at all times, so they have the same experience as a typical guest.
While we inspect both service and facility, our Star Rating system emphasizes service because your experience goes beyond how your surroundings look — how your visit makes you feel is what you will remember most.
We started in 1958 as Mobil Travel Guide, and we created the original Five-Star rating system for hospitality.
These properties deliver an outstanding experience and consistently offer a highly customized level of service.
These are exceptional properties, offering high levels of service and quality of facility to match.
These are excellent properties with consistently good service and facilities.
Soon To Be Rated
As our highly trained, incognito inspectors work to assess properties, our editors check them out ahead of time and provide a sneak preview of what to expect.
Palazzo Versace Dubai just
may be one of the most striking spots in the city. It’s not a surprise, given
that the hotel bears the name of the famous fashion label. The regal property
was envisioned to look like a 16th-century Italian palace, complete with
palatial facades, tranquil lagoons, landscaped gardens and neoclassical influences
with just the right hint of Arabian flavor.
Of course, the luxurious
interiors are adorned with Versace flourishes, both in design and décor. The
hotel’s 215 rooms and suites feature custom-designed furnishings and elegant
details, while its restaurants and bars offer a wide choice in elaborate
settings, all to create a piece of Italy that is fit for a royal in Dubai’s
Culture Village.
Getting There
Jaddaf Waterfront, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
NeighborhoodJaddaf Waterfront
DXB (12-28 min)
DWC (35-50 min)