Mandarin Oriental, Santiago
A chic urban resort in Chile’s capital
We verify luxury. Our highly trained inspectors visit every property we rate, evaluating based on up to 900 objective criteria. Our hotel stays span a minimum of two nights.
We pay our own way. No one can buy a rating; all ratings are earned through our objective inspection process.
Our global team of inspectors are anonymous at all times, so they have the same experience as a typical guest.
While we inspect both service and facility, our Star Rating system emphasizes service because your experience goes beyond how your surroundings look — how your visit makes you feel is what you will remember most.
We started in 1958 as Mobil Travel Guide, and we created the original Five-Star rating system for hospitality.
These properties deliver an outstanding experience and consistently offer a highly customized level of service.
These are exceptional properties, offering high levels of service and quality of facility to match.
These are excellent properties with consistently good service and facilities.
Soon To Be Rated
As our highly trained, incognito inspectors work to assess properties, our editors check them out ahead of time and provide a sneak preview of what to expect.
Tucked slightly off the beaten path yet somehow still in the center of it all, Mandarin Oriental, Santiago offers a relaxing escape from the bustling city. The brand’s first South American property, the luxury hotel’s circular tower stands out from the crowd both for its unique architecture and lush grounds — a welcome surprise in the heart of the capital.
Enviable Santiago and Andes views can be admired from higher-floor rooms, but the most impressive sights can be found back on the ground. A sprawling lagoon pool (complete with a waterfall) and enchanting gardens give the property a resort-like feel while two delightful restaurants ensure you won’t need to travel far for refreshment. Though should you choose to venture beyond the grounds of Mandarin Oriental, Santiago, the accommodating staff is more than happy to help you plan your next adventure.
Getting There
Avenida Kennedy 4601, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile