Mandarin Oriental, Hyde Park, London
Bold glamour in London's Knightsbridge
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These are excellent properties with consistently good service and facilities.
Soon To Be Rated
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London is renowned for its time-honored luxury hotels, and the Edwardian masterpiece that houses Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London is no exception.
Situated at the heart of the super-elite Knightsbridge district, bordered by Harrods, Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace, this one-time Victorian Gentleman’s Club now comprises 181 of the most luxurious rooms and suites in the city, two swishy restaurants, and a lavish spa.
Following a 2018 fire, the Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star retreat briefly shuttered its doors, but the grande dame property used it as an opportunity to embark on the most extensive renovation of the hotel’s 117-year history.
In spring 2019, it reopened with reimagined guest rooms and suites. Noted designer Joyce Wang took inspiration in the luxury hotel’s Hyde Park surroundings and the early 20th century’s golden age of travel. Be sure to check out the Mandarin Oriental Penthouse, a new three-bedroom, three-bathroom space with its own dining room, two kitchens and park vistas. It ranks as one of the British capital's largest suites.
This London hotel has the high-end heritage and fine character to ensure it will remain one of the city’s favorite retreats for years to come.
Getting There
66 Knightsbridge, London SW1X 7LA, United Kingdom
Mandarin Oriental, Hyde Park, London
At This Hotel