Hyatt Regency Manila City of Dreams
Calm in Manila’s entertainment hub
We verify luxury. Our highly trained inspectors visit every property we rate, evaluating based on up to 900 objective criteria. Our hotel stays span a minimum of two nights.
We pay our own way. No one can buy a rating; all ratings are earned through our objective inspection process.
Our global team of inspectors are anonymous at all times, so they have the same experience as a typical guest.
While we inspect both service and facility, our Star Rating system emphasizes service because your experience goes beyond how your surroundings look — how your visit makes you feel is what you will remember most.
We started in 1958 as Mobil Travel Guide, and we created the original Five-Star rating system for hospitality.
These properties deliver an outstanding experience and consistently offer a highly customized level of service.
These are exceptional properties, offering high levels of service and quality of facility to match.
These are excellent properties with consistently good service and facilities.
Soon To Be Rated
As our highly trained, incognito inspectors work to assess properties, our editors check them out ahead of time and provide a sneak preview of what to expect.
Hyatt Regency Manila City of Dreams sits so close to Ninoy Aquino International’s runways that it’s technically considered an “airport hotel.” But we challenge anyone to name a property with that tag as attractive in design and demeanor as this one or either of the other two, Crown Towers Manila and Nobu Hotel Manila, making up the hotel component to the massive City of Dreams complex.
More than 15 acres in size, City of Dreams Manila offers the usual distractions — a casino, numerous restaurants and entertainment venues — you need for a long layover or a short vacation, but it’s the hotels that truly amaze.
The biggest property in the tantalizing trio, Hyatt Regency Manila City of Dreams soars with 362 spacious rooms, two restaurants and one unwavering philosophy among its staffers to ensure that every customer request is met with a smile.
Our Inspector's Highlights
- It won’t matter much if you’re onsite for business meetings or in the business of taking extended breaks, you’ll appreciate how public spaces and private quarters hit all the right notes with warm striped woods, shades of chocolate and other earthy decorative touches.
- We favor the Club rooms, which give you access to the seventh-floor club lounge in Tower II. Here you'll enjoy a VIP check-in and checkout along with all-day snacking.
Things to Know
- If you can spring for an Aqua Suite, don’t hesitate to do so. In addition to gaining access to the treat-filled club lounge, the unit hits the absolute sweet spot in terms of views. The look from your floor-to-ceiling windows out onto Manila Bay is special.
The Rooms
- The suite’s massive windows and high ceilings give the place added depth, even though the 914 square feet aren’t bad to begin with. Though a bit more affordable, a similar theme of spaciousness applies to the Bay View Deluxe (592 square feet) and Club King (538 square feet) as well.
The Restaurants
- Follow the aromas to The Café for lunch and dinner. The impressive buffet at the Manila hotel should work for anyone in your group.
- Of course, if there’s someone in your clan who’d rather drink his calories than eat them, The Lounge is the ideal spot of cocktails or coffee.
- If, for some reason, neither of those options sounds appealing, you can always try one of City of Dream’s other casual establishments (Red Ginger, Apu) or reserve a table at Nobu, Crystal Dragon or any of the campus’ other more formal spots.
Getting There
Belle Avenue, City of Dreams Manila Entertainment City, Parañaque, 1701 Metro Manila, Philippines
Hyatt Regency Manila City of Dreams