Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Otemachi
A chic and minimalist tower
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While we inspect both service and facility, our Star Rating system emphasizes service because your experience goes beyond how your surroundings look — how your visit makes you feel is what you will remember most.
We started in 1958 as Mobil Travel Guide, and we created the original Five-Star rating system for hospitality.
These properties deliver an outstanding experience and consistently offer a highly customized level of service.
These are exceptional properties, offering high levels of service and quality of facility to match.
These are excellent properties with consistently good service and facilities.
Soon To Be Rated
As our highly trained, incognito inspectors work to assess properties, our editors check them out ahead of time and provide a sneak preview of what to expect.
The long-awaited Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Otemachi debuted in 2020, marking the city’s second hotel from the brand. It is more than three times the size of its nearby Marunouchi sibling. In a glistening new tower, the chic Four Seasons Otemachi resides in the city’s most exclusive neighborhood. In true Japanese style, it delivers a modern, understated elegance that focuses on minimalist design and incorporates traditional elements of nature.
The hotel adds four restaurants and bars to Tokyo’s collection of the world’s finest food and beverage outlets, all of which are staffed by top chefs such as Guillaume Bracaval, Yoshihiro Kigawa, along with a host of pastry gurus and specialty chefs.
The property’s 190 rooms, which include 20 suites, are luxuriously bedecked with natural textiles — such as stone and pure cotton — in tranquil neutral tones. The accommodations are bathed in sunlight throughout the day and feel like home with fresh flowers and an extensive room service menu of fine dining and comfort foods alike.
Getting There
1 Chome-2-1 Ōtemachi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo, 100-0004 Japan
Four Seasons Hotel Tokyo at Otemachi
At This Hotel