Evian Spa at Palace Hotel Tokyo
French sophistication with a Japanese touch
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These are excellent properties with consistently good service and facilities.
Soon To Be Rated
As our highly trained, incognito inspectors work to assess properties, our editors check them out ahead of time and provide a sneak preview of what to expect.
In the heart of Tokyo's central Marunouchi,
you’ll find the uniquely European sanctuary, Evian Spa at Palace Hotel Tokyo. The
spa is the only one of its kind in Japan. Evian, the famed mineral water that
originates from melting snow on the peaks of France’s Northern Alps in France,
is known for its purity and healing properties. So, it should come as no
surprise that these principles of relaxation, beautification and physical
rejuvenation make up the spa’s central theme.
The Alpine inspiration is obvious throughout
the spa — white walls, bleached wooden interiors and touches of red are
consistent through the space. The facility is also designed to remind us of
living water, and ripples on the ceiling of the treatment rooms makes sure that
message resonates. These rooms are named for peaks in the Alps.
Evian is not only filtered and protected from
pollutants by the glacial rocks from which it flows but, during its 15-year
journey down the mountains, it is enriched with minerals and electrolytes that give
it a crisp, slightly salty taste and loads it with health benefits. Evian water
is rich in calcium and magnesium with a pH of 7.2, making it perfect for skin
Getting There
1-1-1 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 100-0005 Japan
Evian Spa at Palace Hotel Tokyo
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