Airelles Château de Versailles, Le Grand Contrôle
A regal stay in the heart of Versailles
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Built by Louis XIV’s favorite architect around the same time as Versailles, Le Grand Contrôle served as a home for the minister of finance and the French National Army before it was reborn in 2021 as Airelles Château de Versailles, Le Grand Contrôle — the first and only hotel to grace the grounds of the Château de Versailles. After nearly four years of renovations and more than $50 million, the hotel, an extension of the south wing of the palace, looks almost identical as it did back in the times of the court — with the addition of hand-painted gold leaf, of course.
Drawing on the last inventory records before the French Revolution, Airelles Château de Versailles scoured auction houses and antique shops to recover and restore nearly 90 percent of the 18th-century furniture displayed throughout the hotel. Château de Versailles gifted fireplaces, and the stone flooring hails from the same mine as the palace. The 11 rooms and two signature suites are outfitted with Marie Antoinette-inspired canopy beds, Pierre Frey wallpaper and curtains mimicking the patterns found in the Petit Trianon, and period Versailles parquet floor.
With a private entrance to the château’s 2,000-acre gardens, sweeping views of l’Orangerie, and personal butlers handling your every need, your stay will feel more decadent than if you slept in the palace itself.
Getting There
12 Rue de l'Indépendance Américaine, Versailles, 78000 France
ORY (20-35 min)
CDG (45 min-1 hr 10 min)
LBG (40 min-1 hr)